Le blog de Stairwage

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Making teleworking sustainable: the new HR challenge


Making teleworking sustainable: the new HR challenge

Since 24 June, according to the new version of the national deconfinement protocol for companies published [...]

Key HR indicators under the microscope


Key HR indicators under the microscope

To manage their business, human resources departments have had no choice but to follow the example of other [...]

Social dialogue, the anti-covid weapon of the autumn?


Social dialogue, the anti-covid weapon of the autumn?

If the health crisis has had a positive impact, it is in highlighting social dialogue in companies. [...]

The employee experience: towards greater autonomy after the crisis?


The employee experience: towards greater autonomy after the crisis?

We ve talked at length about the fact that, at the end of the crisis, teleworking was favoured by around 85% [...]

A return to growth thanks to an employee financial well-being programme?


A return to growth thanks to an employee financial well-being programme?

In Anglo-Saxon countries, the issue of employees financial well-being has become very much a [...]

Recruitment: negotiating win-win pay deals in times of crisis


Recruitment: negotiating win-win pay deals in times of crisis

In the midst of the economic crisis, recruitment is a concept that seems almost obsolete. Indeed, in the [...]

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