Interview with our expert Dominique Podesta

Interview with our expert Dominique Podesta

Interview with our expert Dominique Podesta
Posted on
May 2021

Introduce yourself in a few words

After graduating from business school, I came across the Human Resources profession and I ve been thriving in it for 30 years. My job is HR Director. I create teams and propose HR policies that contribute to the success of organizations and individuals.

What do you see as the next big challenges for HRDs?

The major HR challenges are to accompany those of companies: in particular, customer satisfaction, development in territories in France and abroad, and sustainable development. As a first challenge, HRDs must reassure and support operational staff to anticipate changes in organizations and quickly identify impacts on skills and positions. The second challenge is to "sell" their HR policies in the same way as they sell products to customers with different profiles, so as to get them on board. To meet this challenge, the HR department needs to change its approach: we need to move away from a posture of expertise based on the labor code to a more dynamic, agile, enterprising approach. We need to measure our actions and produce satisfaction and performance indicators, so that we can improve our practices. We live in a world of evidence and superficial, multi-channel communication. The HR department needs to streamline its approach to reassure management. It must look for the levers of its performance: the essential ones are the deployment of an HRIS, efficient digital functionalities and individual knowledge of employees and operational issues. HR managers must work in trios with the finance and IT departments. They will have to give up being unavoidable and build trust with managers, training them to delegate the implementation of HR policy to them. Lastly, our profiles need to be bolder to encourage the changes expected by organizations and dare to innovate, sometimes at the risk of creating reluctance. In conclusion, the greatest challenge is to embrace a "multi-hatted" function. The HR manager is a Sorcerer s Apprentice. We need to work on our partitions and those of operations, and thus become tomorrow s leaders, artisans of Sustainable Success.

Employee well-being is central to a company s success, how can we help improve it?

Above all, it s employee commitment that fosters business success sustainably or in times of crisis. Well-being is one of the levers. It s a highly personal issue, and improving it involves both collective action and individual relationships. The first essential lever is sincerity and respect. The most difficult and severe decisions can be taken if the company has created a climate of trust and enabled its employees to prepare themselves to be agile and empowered. Well-being means "feeling good" when you go to work and when you carry out your activity. The primary contributor to this is the HR department that recruits and/or the manager who selects, welcomes, trains and explains the job. We all know that the working environment is essential. I m in favor of conducting engagement surveys. The second lever is to measure satisfaction levels. It s by identifying the levers of commitment that we can improve well-being. In this way, each manager and HR can define a local, tailored action plan, as well as a general framework that reflects the ambitions of general management. The third way is to listen to stakeholders, to observe, to be curious about new trends, new behaviors, to draw inspiration from what the most innovative companies are doing. In this way, we can see that improving well-being, or "feeling good", means having easy-to-use digital applications "just like at home", which employees can use when they need them, having access to their manager and HR to exchange and share ideas, and having access to useful, short, enriching training courses. Well-being will be improved if, whatever the career mishaps and changes to be experienced, the employee feels sufficiently strong, surrounded, to adapt, sometimes slow down and continue his or her professional life. In conclusion, developing well-being means being an active player in a complex, ultra-fast-paced world.

There s no denying that HR tech is driving the individualization of relationships and the empowerment of employees. Do you think this is a step in the right direction?

HR tech is an incredible opportunity to achieve "augmented HR". All the products that lead to paperlessness and employee empowerment create successful milestones in a differentiating employee experience. HR teams will have more time to build one-to-one relationships with managers and employees, to be more present on site and share HR policy, company vision and topics such as well-being. Empowered employees devote more effective time to their work, and take pride and confidence in using modern, ergonomic tools. Everyone needs to take charge of their working lives, and all the tools that help them do so reinforce their agility. We need to reassure the naysayers and allay fears, and test-and-learn is an effective way of managing change. HR tech must be in this spirit. The great advantage is that HR teams have the expertise to take into account employee risks and reassure employee representatives. This creates a favorable environment for testing new applications that meet the needs of both employees and managers; HR departments will always be there to support employees. The current paradox, which is set to become more pronounced, is the use of tech on all subjects, which is distending relations, and at the same time strengthening human relations, contacts that may be less frequent but more intense.

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