Check your means of payment before going on holiday

Check your means of payment before going on holiday

Check your means of payment before going on holiday
Posted on
April 2024

It s important to check your means of payment before you leave on vacation, so you don t find yourself in difficulty once you arrive. This guide will help you make the right checks on your means of payment before you leave on vacation.

1. check the validity of your bank card

In order to be able to use your bank card throughout your stay, we strongly advise you to check its validity: make sure that the validity date of your card corresponds to your dates of stay. If it doesn t, anticipate this a few weeks before your trip by ordering a new card from your bank.

2. check your payment and withdrawal limits

Check that your payment and withdrawal limits are sufficient to cover your stay, and ask your bank to increase them if necessary.

3. check bank guarantees

Ask your bank about the guarantees available to you during your stay. Information on guarantees can be found in your bank contract. Depending on your contract, guarantees may cover the loss of your luggage, the delay or cancellation of your flight or your medical expenses.

4 Changing currency

Before changing your currency, find out about exchange rates to minimize the costs involved in currency conversion. It s possible to make your currency change at your bank by issuing the request in advance or directly after a bureau de change where you ll receive your money immediately.

5. find out about payment and withdrawal charges

In euro zone countries, bank charges are generally identical to those applied in France. However, these fees increase when you leave the euro zone and vary from bank to bank. It s best to ask your bank about payment and withdrawal charges abroad.

Thanks to these checks, you ll be able to anticipate your travel expenses as well as possible, reducing the stress before you leave!

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