The expert eye of Philippe Clerc, former Chairman of ADP France

The expert eye of Philippe Clerc, former Chairman of ADP France

The expert eye of Philippe Clerc, former Chairman of ADP France
Posted on
May 2021

After many years managing leading payroll and HR companies, I now bring my experience to start-ups operating in the HR sphere.

Passionate about innovation, it s in this capacity that I m going to talk to you about the Stairwage project. The current health crisis has profoundly altered work organization and accelerated the digitization of HR processes.
This trend is set to intensify in the coming years, enabling us to optimize operational efficiency and strengthen our proximity to employees.

Human Resources Departments will have to provide their employees with innovative services enabling them to acquire greater autonomy and free themselves from the restrictive processes implemented in the past. Stairwage s offer is part of this process, and helps to remove the dust from the advance payment process, which is costly for the company and painful for the employee.

This new application enables employees to obtain an instant advance payment, in compliance with the rules set by the company, without impacting the company s cash flow. This innovation simplifies and lightens the workload for HR teams, and gives employees greater autonomy and well-being, essential conditions for companies to attract and retain talent.

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