HR - CSR, the same battle?

HR - CSR, the same battle?

HR - CSR, the same battle?
Posted on
June 2021

A survey published in 2020 by Dutch temping and recruitment group Randstad reveals that 29% of employees no longer find their work useful or meaningful. Changing sector may be an answer for some (nearly half are considering it), but others are looking for other solutions. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is one such solution. CSR proposes a set of common values shared by the entire organization, uniting employees around a common project that has a positive impact, and is therefore meaningful. CSR, combined with HR, offers employees and managers in search of meaning the opportunity to become more involved in environmental, social and economic issues. By developing and promoting a CSR policy, HR provides an innovative and relevant solution to the quest for meaning, an essential issue in today s social climate.

1. Definition of CSR

CSR is a new contemporary issue that is becoming increasingly essential. It is defined on the government website, according to the European Commission s definition, as " the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental concerns into their commercial activities and their relations with stakeholders ". It has been building and growing for over 40 years now, through laws, regulations, national and international legislation, but also through non-governmental initiatives, NGOs, labels... These include the United Nations Global Compact of 2000, which proposes 10 principles to guide volunteer companies towards CSR; and, more recently, France s Pacte law, which in 2019 will amend the Labor Code to include environmental and social impacts as part of a company s raison d être, in addition to its economic interest, thereby creating the status of " companies with a mission ". In addition to the societal expectations of citizens, who are increasingly demanding transparency and action on the part of companies with regard to their environmental and social commitments, legal constraints are also multiplying, demanding ever greater responsibility on the part of companies.

CSR policy is based on three fundamental pillars: the social, environmental and economic dimensions. It is only by continuously combining these three dimensions that a CSR policy can function and deliver all its benefits. Furthermore, to guarantee the effectiveness of a CSR policy, the company must ensure that it is understood and accepted by all stakeholders(employees, customers, etc.), and that it is driven by the collective involvement of employees. It must be integrated into the company s strategy and contribute to the sustainability of its economic activity.

2. What s the role of HR?

HR occupies a strategic position within the company. It is the link between the organization as a whole, and its individual members. As such, it plays an essential role in coordinating corporate strategy with CSR and employees. Its place in the company is particularly interesting for CSR, as it is in direct contact with employees and often has the advantage of having been present in the company for longer than the CSR department. It therefore already has integrated tools and processes, known and recognized by all employees, as well as in-depth knowledge of the company and its members. It can therefore be a real relay for the CSR policy, particularly when it comes to communicating with employees.

Communicating the company s CSR to encourage employee commitment

CSR is part of a shared, global vision, and must therefore be accepted and integrated by all members of the company. To be as effective as possible, CSR policy must make sense to everyone, which is why HR has an important role to play in ensuring that it is well understood and integrated into the company s culture. At the boundary between the company as an entity on the one hand, and its members on the other, between corporate strategy and human issues, HR is an essential function for leading and sustaining change. It can easily address the stakeholders concerned, and knows what is at stake for each of them, enabling dialogue and attentive listening for the co-construction of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Quality of life at work for employees: HR and CSR, a common battle

CSR policy also addresses the issues of recruitment and quality of life at work, insofar as it strives to improve the company s social impact. In this way, it once again joins forces with HR on all issues concerning the well-being of employees and collaborators, as well as equal opportunities and diversity. CSR and HR both place people at the heart of their concerns. They need to work hand in hand to tackle organizational and managerial change in the same way, and align their objectives. Where CSR takes into account all the company s stakeholders, from employees to suppliers and local populations that may be affected by its activities, HR remains focused on the well-being of employees and future employees. This means aligning the environmental and social issues addressed by CSR with the way the company operates.

Strengthening the impact of CSR actions

By communicating and involving employees in the company s CSR challenges, HR helps to reinforce the impact of the CSR policy, which places at the heart of its mission the consideration of all stakeholders, including employees. HR is therefore an essential pillar of CSR policy.

To contribute to the company s strategy, HR has to keep abreast of societal expectations and changes in the environment. HR s spheres of competence no longer stop at payroll and leave management, but require greater attention to issues such as quality of working life, equality between employees, and fulfillment in the workplace. HR players have become veritable "business leaders", and must take on the social responsibilities that go with it. Supporting and relying on CSR is a real opportunity to achieve this.

3. What are the benefits for the company?

There are many advantages for companies in combining HR and CSR strategies, in terms of both human and economic benefits. The two main ones are employee commitment and federation, and improving the employer brand.

Fostering employee commitment and motivation, and hence productivity

HR and CSR both place people at the heart of their policies. By bringing them together, a company can be sure of improving its employees quality of life at work, and thus their well-being. In addition to the human value of this approach, employee fulfillment in the workplace is a genuine lever for economic performance, helping to ensure the company s long-term future. By giving employees a sense of purpose, CSR policies stimulate motivation and commitment, enabling them to become more involved in the company s activities.

Improving the employer brand and attracting new talent

In addition, highlighting its CSR-integrated approaches is a way for the company to improve its employer brand, thereby attracting talent and retaining employees. Indeed, QWL is becoming an increasingly important criterion of choice for new employees, especially young people. A Job Teaser survey from 2020 states "The figures are clear: young people now expect their company to contribute to their well-being." Work-life balance, recognition at work, inclusion, flexibility... these are all issues that are gaining in importance, and which fall within the remit of companies CSR and HR policies. By making these two policies work in tandem, the company maximizes their effects and positive spin-offs for its employees, and therefore for the company itself.

A CSR policy is no longer a luxury, but a necessity and a real asset for the company. In view of the demands of the French, but also the latest regulations (Pacte law of 2019), companies have every interest in taking a serious look at the subject. And to best support and integrate CSR policy, HR can be a real operational arm and relay for the whole company. The HR-CSR pairing enables the company s strategy to be aligned with the human, environmental and economic issues linked to its activity. By acting as a bridge between the members of the organization and the company s CSR policy, HR plays an essential role in ensuring that employees understand and are involved, thus enabling the company to reap the full human and economic benefits of its CSR policy.


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