Solutions that facilitate HR innovation

Solutions that facilitate HR innovation

Solutions that facilitate HR innovation
Posted on
February 2021

When it comes to HR innovation, trends move fast. And it s fair to say that technical solutions, whether online or via an application, have given HR teams a real boost!

Numerous startups have been working on the subject, making it easier for companies to implement best practices.

Whereas just 5 years ago, software solutions were confined to the recruitment and HRIS fields, they have now taken over all new approaches to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.

Thanks to the development of powerful algorithms and advances in user experience, they have become an integral part of human resources departments.

From Corporate Social Responsibility to Quality of Life in the Workplace, via the employee experience, here s a quick roundup of these new solutions that can optimize employee engagement in just a few clicks.

The employee experience, the new HR challenge

The employee experience is a new priority for human resources departments. Until now, the focus has been on employee onboarding. Now, however, it s the whole of an employee s life within the organization that needs to be taken care of.

To support this shift in mentality, a number of online services have appeared on the scene.

First of all, as with corporate customer services, chatbots for employees have been created. or, for example, enable employees to find HR information or work on a career project, while developing their employer brand.

Engaging employees also means including them in the definition of corporate strategies., for example, enables employees to work together to build an innovative project.

There are also a number of applications that help to strengthen the social cohesion of teams., for example, brings employees together and creates a bond within the company. Users select an activity, a location and availability, and the tool then connects the various participants.

Finally, measuring employee satisfaction, again as if they were customers, is becoming a new standard in Human Resources departments., in particular, is an online tool for measuring and improving employee engagement and recognition.

Putting Corporate Social Responsibility at the heart of our concerns

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a very strong trend among employer brands. But whereas it used to be perceived as a "plus" in communication, it is becoming more and more deeply embedded in a company s DNA and culture.

It is even becoming a tool for attracting and engaging employees, who identify with and take pride in the values espoused by the company.

And to support this movement, many startups have invested in the field of solidarity projects., for example, is a platform that enables employees to commit a few days a month to associations or social startups, during their working hours.

Thanks to, company seminars, colleagues birthdays or any other event within a company can be used as an excuse to open a solidarity kitty, the profits from which are donated to partner associations. is an online garage sale whose profits are donated to charities and causes. As part of a genuine corporate solidarity project, employees can resell unused items to add to the kitty.

Solutions for Quality of Life in the workplace

Well-being at work has been clearly identified in recent years as a factor in employee engagement and productivity, so it s no surprise that startups have been looking into the subject,to enable HR departments to optimize their best practices in this area.

Whether it s the right to disconnect, respect for biological rhythms or a better balance between work and private life, new concerns about health in the workplace have given rise to a number of facilitating tools.

One example is the My Mental Energy Pro application, which teaches employees techniques to make better use of their brains, reduce stress and avoid mental overheating at work.

For many employees, answering e-mails has become the most time-consuming task of the day. enables them to manage priorities more effectively, since callers clearly indicate the degree of urgency of the expected response.

In addition to the growing number of online concierge services for businesses, which make daily life easier for employees, services such as those offered by, a childcare management platform, are also emerging, from the recommendation of a baby sitter to payment via the application. It also offers HR departments Quality of Working Life measurement tools to directly assess performance on key indicators.

Optimize team staffing and HR data management

Speaking of technical solutions that have made HR departments jobs easier, it s hard not to mention staffing platforms, which now make it possible to collect, cross-reference and prioritize a vast amount of data.

Thanks to, matching algorithms suggest the most relevant profiles for an assignment, based on availability and expected skills. The use of this tool makes it possible to optimize the occupancy rate of employees, which is difficult to achieve via an Excel spreadsheet!

Andjaro. com also helps to optimize staffing, by identifying which departments or facilities within a group are understaffed or overstaffed. The platform enables internal resources to be allocated where they are needed, avoiding the need for external temporary or fixed-term staff.

In the field of compensation, makes employee remuneration systems more transparent and fairer. It is also the embodiment of a new evolution in HR thinking, reflecting societal changes.

The HR data collected is increasingly numerous and targeted. User experiences and simplified ergonomics make online tools more accessible.

It s against this backdrop that many startups have chosen to facilitate the implementation of good HR practices in companies, thanks to technical solutions and dedicated applications.

To increase productivity, commitment and employee satisfaction, they have now become a key asset for HR departments.

So much so that tomorrow, prioritizing one department over another will become a real HR differentiation strategy! In any case, innovation is more than ever within the grasp of all corporate HR departments.

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