Well-being at work: still a topical issue in 2024

Well-being at work: still a topical issue in 2024

Well-being at work: still a topical issue in 2024
Posted on
March 2024

More than ever, employee well-being is at the heart of HR managers concerns. This is due to the current social context, but also to employees who are increasingly concerned about their working conditions. Various points could help improve employee well-being at work during 2024.

Hybrid work

Since it became commonplace during the COVID-19 epidemic, hybrid working has been increasingly in demand among employees. It offers greater flexibility and work-life balance, and can also eliminate the stress associated with commuting time.

Nevertheless, this solution can have drawbacks such as the risks of isolation caused by the lack of interaction or the difficulty of separating work and private life.

Initiatives to improve mental health

A survey conducted by Opinion Way in November 2023 showed that 48% of French employees would be in psychological distress. Faced with this, the challenges for the world of human resources are to find initiatives that improve employees mental health, but also to raise awareness among employees of the importance of mental health.

Integrating AI

The use of AI in the workplace could help improve employee well-being through the automation of repetitive tasks. Thus, employees of a company that has integrated AI could focus on more meaningful tasks while increasing their productivity.

The importance of corporate culture

Corporate culture enables employees of the same company to come together around shared values and facilitate good collective understanding. Strengthening corporate culture helps to create a healthy, positive working environment for employees.

Valuing work

Valuing work is no longer just a question of remuneration, but more about the desire to evolve in an environment where contributions and work are appreciated. Motivating employees by involving them more in decision-making helps to motivate them and thus increase their well-being.

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