Le blog de Stairwage

Toutes les ressources qui vous permettront d'améliorer le bien-être financier de vos salariés. 
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Remuneration: the various benefits of hiring employees


Remuneration: the various benefits of hiring employees

At Stairwage, the recent statements by Gérald Darmanin, calling for employee share ownership to be extended to all [...]

Factors to watch out for in disengagement at work


Factors to watch out for in disengagement at work

In this very special autumn, HR teams will be keeping a close eye on employee commitment at work. [...]

Factors leading to disengagement at work


Factors leading to disengagement at work

The Covid-19 crisis is set to turn our economy upside down. To manage the aftermath, companies are going to have to [...]

These HR trends will be accelerated by the crisis


These HR trends will be accelerated by the crisis

The Coronavirus crisis and its disastrous financial consequences for the economy are reshuffling the deck in [...]

Decontamination: HR imperatives


Decontamination: HR imperatives

With just a few days to go before the deconfinement, which marks a turning point in the management of the Covid-19 crisis, the [...]

Well-being in the workplace to motivate employees


Well-being in the workplace to motivate employees

Long gone are the days when it was thought that attractive remuneration and a high profile were the only [...]

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