Le blog de Stairwage

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The quest for meaning at work


The quest for meaning at work

With the Covid-19 health crisis, the question of the meaning of work has taken on new importance. "Before the crisis, a minority of French people (11%) considered that the meaning of their work could be the cause of a certain malaise. Now one French person in two...

HR - CSR, the same battle?


HR - CSR, the same battle?

CSR is a new contemporary issue that is becoming increasingly essential.

Fear of change in the face of the need to move forward


Fear of change in the face of the need to move forward

For many of us, change is a source of stress and anxiety. This is true in our everyday lives, but even more so at work.

The expert eye of Flaubert Vuillier


The expert eye of Flaubert Vuillier

A company s greatest asset is its human capital

The expert eye of Jean-Luc Barbier, ex-CEO SDWorx France


The expert eye of Jean-Luc Barbier, ex-CEO SDWorx France

Interview with Jean-Luc Barbier, former CEO of SDWorx France

The expert eye of Philippe Clerc, former Chairman of ADP France


The expert eye of Philippe Clerc, former Chairman of ADP France

I m passionate about innovation, and that s why I m going to talk to you about the Stairwage project.

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